Are There Special Exercises Forpeople Who Have Had a Stroke in the Cerebellum to Make It Work Again


Most doctors recall that after a patient has a stroke, recovery only happens for 6 months to a year; after that there is no point in continuing with rehabilitation therapy. We described a patient who had a severe stroke at age 15 and was left with a completely useless left hand. Then 23 years later, after he started pond regularly to lose weight, he had some movement in the fingers of his left hand. He began intensive therapy with exercises using a special glove, and now, 37 years after the stroke, he is still improving. The manner his encephalon "rewired" itself all over both sides of the brain is shown with a special imaging method called functional magnetic resonance imaging. This means that intensive physiotherapy and maybe new approaches to encephalon recovery including stem jail cell therapy, demand to be tried much longer after the stroke than we used to call up.


What virtually doctors believe is that after a stroke , the patient can simply recover for a short time, such equally half dozen months or a yr. Young children who have strokes recover much improve than people who have strokes as adults.

This is a story of a man who had a stroke at age 15 and had no use of his left hand until he began to recover 23 years later, afterward taking up swimming to effort to lose weight [1]. He is still improving 37 years after the stroke. His story gives promise for recovery much later than we idea possible, and suggests that intensive physiotherapy, and maybe new approaches to brain recovery such every bit stem cell therapy might improve recovery long after a stroke [25].

The Stroke

In 1979, when he was 15 years old, a male child was going by train from his home in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, to bring together his parents who were visiting in Toronto, Ontario. He got off the train, carrying a heavy suitcase by his right hand. He walked the length of the train platform, downward stairs, across the train station, then up stairs and across a wide plaza to where his parents were waiting to option him upwards. He lifted the suitcase upward into the trunk of the car, and got into the back seat. About 30 seconds later, equally his male parent was making a left turn most a block from the train station, he roughshod over in the back seat, unconscious. He was taken to hospital in Toronto, and then a couple of days after was transferred to my hospital in London, Ontario considering it was closer to his dwelling.

It turned out that he was built-in with an extra rib in his cervix called a cervical rib This is a rare abnormality; it happens in near one in 500 people, and strokes from this are very rare. The heavy suitcase had pulled his neckband os downwardly onto the extra rib, pinching the artery to his right arm for long enough that the blood clotted. The clot backed its way down into the main avenue that goes to both the brain and the arm on the correct side. Then pieces of the jell went into the main avenue to the front of the brain as well as into the artery that goes upwards through the bones in the neck to the back of the brain, and he had a severe stroke (Figure one).

Figure 1 - How the stroke happened.

  • Figure ane - How the stroke happened.
  • The heavy weight of the suitcase pulled the collar bone downwards, compressing the artery to the arm against an actress rib in the neck A. This acquired clotting that went dorsum down into the brachiocephalic artery, besides called the Innominate artery B. Clots bankrupt off from both ends, going upwards the vertebral artery (black arrows, Panel C.) and the carotid avenue , blocking the right middle cerebral artery (black arrows, Panel D.). Credits: A. Thoracic outlet: B. Brachiocephalic avenue: C. Vertebral artery: D. Arteries at the base of the encephalon. Past Dr. Johannes Sobotta – Atlas and Text-book of Human Beefcake Book III Vascular System, Lymphatic arrangement, Nervous system and Sense Organs, Public Domain, west/index.php?curid=29121373.

I was very worried, considering besides the stroke, the avenue to the right arm was blocked, and the blood supply to the correct arm was very poor—I was concerned that we might accept a 15-twelvemonth-onetime boy with no use of either hand. So we treated him with drugs to prevent blood clotting in the hope that the blood menstruum to the correct arm would return in time to salvage the hand, fifty-fifty though we were worried that this might cause him to take a drain into the role of the brain that was softened by the astringent stroke. It was a scary weekend, waiting to see what would happen.

Fortunately, the blood menstruum to the right arm recovered. However, he was left with a very astringent stroke, with no motility at all in the left mitt. He made some recovery over a few months, so he could walk and had some movement of his left shoulder, and he go back to school, but his right hand remained completely useless for 23 years.

The Starting time of the Recovery

He was overweight, then in 2001 I brash him to exercise some exercise to lose weight. He took upwards regular swimming, and a yr later when he came back, he told me that he had noticed some movement in the fingers of his left hand, 23 years later the stroke. This was unheard of, so I called Dr. Dan Hanley at Johns Hopkins medical school in Baltimore to ask him what he idea was going on. He was very interested, because in his brain recovery centre they had recently been using repeated movement of the big muscles of the shoulder and arm to try to ameliorate recovery of hand function. He recommended that the patient effort a physiotherapy device chosen a Saeboflex glove, that has small springs putting tension on the fingers: https://world wide

Progress in Stroke Recovery

With intensive physiotherapy using the Saeboflex glove, his left hand motility kept gradually improving, so that after a few years he was able to even pick upward coins. He had slow just steady improvement of his paw function, that is still improving in 2018, more than 37 years afterward the stroke.

How Could this Happen?

What happens is that the brain sort of rewires itself. Nerve cells sprout extensions that spread out and connect with nervus cells in other parts of the brain. This allows other parts of the brain to take over the jobs that used to be done past the part of the encephalon that was damaged.

Y'all tin can see this in Figure 2, showing results of a written report called a functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) browse. MRI scans employ a very powerful magnet that switches on and off. When the magnet switches on, it makes atoms in the cells spin to line up with the magnetic poles of the magnet. When the magnet switches off the atoms spin back, and they requite off radio signals that can be detected and mapped, so that images of the encephalon can exist fabricated: Functional MRI assesses changes in blood menses in different parts of the brain during brain activity. The figure is explained in Box one.

Figure 2 - Functional MRI images showing the brain recovery on both sides of the brain.

  • Figure 2 - Functional MRI images showing the brain recovery on both sides of the brain.
  • The effigy is explained in box 1. [Reproduced by permission of the American Physiological Club from: Ref [i]

Box 1. Explanation for Figure 2.

This shows slices of the encephalon in a magnetic encephalon scan, going from the tiptop of the brain (in the top left of each picture), to the lesser of the brain (bottom right of each picture). The scan shows what parts of the brain "lite up" with increased blood flow during movements of the normal right mitt (Effigy 2A) and movements of the left hand that was paralyzed by the stroke (Effigy 2B). The images are shown the way imaging specialists telephone call radiologists look at them (the left side of the image shows the right hemisphere), every bit if looking upwardly at the encephalon from underneath. The 2 sides of the upper part of the brain are called the hemispheres. At the dorsum of the brain almost the lesser of the skull, the cerebellum controls coordination of movements. Normally the right hemisphere of the brain controls movement on the left side of the body, and the left side of the cerebellum controls coordination on the left side of the body (and vice versa).

Panel A. The stroke left a large hole in the role of the brain supplied by the center cerebral artery, shown by the ruby arrows. The blue areas of the brain evidence what parts of the normal left side of the encephalon cortex and right cerebellum were activated when the patient was asked to open and close the fingers of his normal right mitt. Arrow number 1 points to an surface area of the left hemisphere called the supplementary motor area; pointer number 2 points to the motor cortex of the left hemisphere, arrow three points to the right cerebellum (which controls coordination).

Console B. When he was asked to open and close the fingers of his previously paralyzed left manus, the ruby-red areas of the encephalon show activation in many areas on both sides of the brain, including the motor area on the left side of the encephalon (pointer i), the sensory and motor cortex on both sides of the brain (arrow 2), and the supplementary motor cortex on the left side of the brain, and both sides of the cerebellum (pointer 3). This ways that his encephalon had "rewired" itself using many dissimilar areas on both sides of the brain.

By detecting increases in blood menses in a function of the brain during activity, it is possible to map where in the brain the "rewiring" has happened. For instance, the part of the brain where vision happens lights upwards when patients are shown something similar a flashing checkerboard. One famous instance is blind people who can "see" by making clicking noises and listening to the echos. This is called echolocation, and is like how bats see in the dark. Information technology turns out that in people who are good at this, the part of the brain where vision normally occurs lights up when they are listening to sounds: http://world wide

What Does This Patient'southward Late Recovery Hateful?

In the past information technology was believed that considering recovery subsequently a stroke was all over and washed by 6 months to a year, there was no point in trying to persist with treatment such every bit physiotherapy to endeavor to get more comeback. This patient's recovery, that began 23 years subsequently a astringent stroke and kept improving over another 14 years, gives promise to stroke patients and perhaps to patients with other kinds of brain injury. The hope is not just for improvement with intensive physiotherapy simply also for new approaches to encephalon recovery that are being tested.

In that location is always more to learn, and more research to be done. That is what makes research fun.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The writer declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential disharmonize of involvement.


Stroke: Sudden loss of role of part of the encephalon. This may be due to a hemorrhage (a bleed) into the brain, or due to blockage of a brain avenue by a clot.

Stem Cells: Cells that are very primitive, that can develop into whatsoever kind of cell in the torso.

Vertebral Artery: One on each side at the back of the neck; they run up through the bones of the neck to the dorsum of the encephalon, and then join to form the basilar artery, at the base of the brain. These are the arteries that are injured in chiropractic manipulation, or in car accidents, causing strokes at the dorsum of the brain.

Carotid Arteries: Two big arteries in the forepart of the neck; they supply blood to the front of the brain. (Console C of Effigy i).

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): A very strong electrical magnet is switched on and off in the scanner; atoms in the body line up with the magnetic pole and then spin back, giving off radio waves that can exist used to locate them to brand a film.

Cerebellum: The function of the encephalon that coordinates movements; similar muscle memory. (Shown by arrows marked 3 in panel B of Figure 2).

Motor Cortex: The role of the encephalon that initiates motion; shown past white arrow 2 in panel A of Figure 2.

Supplementary Motor Cortex: A small surface area in the brain that as well is involved in move; often automatic movements. (Panel A of Figure two).

Original Source Article

Sörös, P., Teasell, R., Hanley, D. F., and Spence, J. D. 2017. Motor recovery beginning 23 years afterwards ischemic stroke. J. Neurophysiol. 118(ii):778–81. doi:10.1152/jn.00868.2016


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