Small Batch Quick Easy Garlic Bread From Scratch

small batch cheesy garlic bread

Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

A big thank you to Land O'Lakes for sponsoring this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe with Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt. As always, thank you for supporting the sponsors that keep Hummingbird High up and running!

Now, let's talk about this utterly delightful recipe: this cheesy garlic bread recipe is a small batch version of a popular, pull-apart cheese bread! To make this bread, slice a small, artisan loaf into cubes and stuff it with lots of cheese and a garlic and herb butter mixture. Those bread cubes make it easy for folks to share this cheesy garlic bread, and guarantees lots of cheese and herbs with every bite. When fresh from the oven, pulling out a cube of bread from the loaf yields a gooey, stringy piece of cheesy garlic bread. It's utterly addicting and absolutely delicious.

Because real talk—to get us through the monotony of being at home all day, Erlend and I have been hosting extravagant movie nights for just the two of us. Every Saturday night, we select a "feature film" to watch, and accompany it with an unapologetically indulgent snack or appetizer. Previous movie night menus have included bowls of artisan popcorn drenched in creamy European-style butter (I'm looking at you, Land O Lakes® Extra Creamy Butter), chips with all kinds of homemade dip, and last weekend, this small batch cheesy garlic bread.

small batch cheesy garlic bread

Why You Should Make Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

In addition to being extremely delicious, here are all the reasons why you should make this cheesy garlic bread recipe:

This cheesy garlic bread recipe is small batch.

I've had regular-sized versions of this cheesy garlic bread recipe saved for a while now. Regular-sized versions of the recipe typically feed a crowd of 10 to 15 people. As a result, I was waiting for the next special occasion—like a backyard barbecue, or a casual dinner party with friends—to try one of them out. I mean, when paired with salad and pasta, this cheesy garlic bread would be the perfect appetizer, right? Unfortunately, since many of us are still avoiding large gatherings, I knew it would be a while until I'd be able to try the recipe.

However, I noticed my favorite bakery recently began to sell mini versions of their popular artisan loaves. A lightbulb went off in my head: what if I made a small batch version of the recipe with one of their mini loaves? And indeed—with a small loaf of bread, this cheesy garlic bread recipe now serves between 2 to 4 people, perfect for a small household!

This cheesy garlic bread recipe is easily customizable.

You can customize this cheesy garlic bread recipe with different breads, herbs, meats, and vegetables. Feel free to mix and match them, too! Be sure to check out the Ingredients and FAQ sections below for my recommended variations.

small batch cheesy garlic bread

Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread Ingredients and Substitutions

Now that I've convinced you to make this cheesy garlic bread recipe, here's your shopping list for the recipe:

Shopping List for Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

  • 1 small (around 10 ounces or 283 grams) artisan loaf of bread
  • shredded cheddar cheese
  • shredded low-moisture mozzarella cheese
  • Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt
  • fresh parsley
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • kosher salt

And let's talk about some of its key ingredients and some potential substitutions:

A Small, Artisan Loaf of Bread

This cheesy garlic bread recipe starts with a small, artisan loaf of bread—the kind you get fresh at a fancy bakery, with a crunchy crust and soft, pillowy inside.

The Best Bread for Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

For this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe, look for an artisan loaf with a crunchy exterior. When sliced, the loaf should reveal a soft, pillowy inside, dotted with bubbles. Most artisan loaves either come in a round shape or an oval, football-like shape—either will work in this recipe. For this version, I used a white sourdough loaf. I personally love the unique flavor that a sourdough loaf can bring to this small batch cheesy garlic bread. But you can use any other kind of bread you prefer! French batard and baguette loaves, whole wheat loaves, seeded loaves. Anything's fair game.

What is a "small" loaf of bread and where I can find one?

Most regular-sized artisan bread loaves weigh 16 to 20 ounces. This is a generous serving size! Typically, a regular-sized artisan loaf can last a week in a household of 2 to 4 people. However, some artisan bakeries offer "mini" loaves of these breads. These smaller loaves typically weigh half of what a regular-sized artisan loaf weighs, clocking in at between 10 to 12 ounces. Because of its smaller size, a mini loaf only lasts 3 to 4 days in a small household of 2 to 4 people.

I specifically used a small loaf of bread for this cheesy garlic bread recipe to make it small batch. In theory, this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe should make a serving size to feed 4 hungry people, or 6 moderately hungry ones.

Can I use a bigger loaf of bread for this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe instead?

Yes, with reservations. You'll need to double the rest of the ingredients—specifically, the cheese, Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt, and seasonings to account for the bigger loaf. A regular-sized loaf of bread makes a good appetizer for a bigger crowd of around 10 to 12 people.

Can I use gluten-free bread in this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe?

Yes, with reservations. Make sure to use a gluten-free bread with a hearty, crunchy crust!

Shredded Cheese

This cheesy garlic bread recipe uses ¼ cup of both shredded medium cheddar cheese and low-moisture mozzarella cheese.

The Best Cheese for Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

For this cheesy garlic bread recipe, use a low-moisture cheese that gets gooey and stringy when melted. Think: the kind of cheese you use for pizza, too! For my version, I used a mixture of both medium cheddar cheese and low-moisture mozzarella cheese (incidentally, this is also the combination of cheeses that my favorite pizza place in New York uses for their pizzas). To save myself time and effort, I bought both cheeses pre-shredded.

Because when it comes to cheese, you have a lot of options at the grocery store! You can buy cheese that's been finely shredded, or shredded into larger pieces in a "rustic, farm-style". I recommend choosing the finely shredded cheese. Smaller shreds of cheese are easier to stuff into the bread.

Can I use blocks of cheddar and mozzarella cheese in this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe instead?

Absolutely! However, note that the Prep Time for the recipe will likely take longer (since it will take time to grate the cheese). I recommend using a food processor with a grating disc to speed things along.

Can I use different cheeses other than cheddar and mozzarella cheese to make this small batch cheesy garlic bread?

Yes, with reservations. Like I said above, look for a low-moisture cheese that gets gooey and stringy when melted. Other good options besides cheddar and mozzarella include colby, fontina, gouda, gruyère, and Swiss cheeses. Don't be afraid to mix and match different combinations of cheeses together, too! Just make sure that the amount of cheese you use totals ½ cup.

Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt

This cheesy garlic bread recipe uses 4 Tablespoons of melted Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt.

What is Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt?

Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt comes in a tub and is made with only 4 ingredients: sweet cream, olive oil, sea salt, and salt. The olive oil keeps it spreadable straight from the refrigerator! It also gives the butter a subtle yet incredibly delicious hint of olive oil. You can use it for savory dishes, but personally, I love pairing a smear of the stuff with sweet jam for breakfast in the morning. The olive oil provides JUST the right subtle hint of umami flavor to keep things from being too sweet.

Why You Should Use Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt In This Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe

When researching recipes for cheesy garlic bread, I saw that many recipes used a combination of both butter AND olive oil. So save yourself a step and use Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt instead!


This cheesy garlic bread recipe uses ¼ cup fresh, stemmed parsley leaves.

Can I use dried parsley in this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe instead?

Yes, absolutely! Doing so will reduce the Prep Time for this recipe from 10 minutes to just 5 minutes. You can substitute the ¼ cup of fresh, stemmed parsley leaves with 1 ½ Tablespoons dried parsley leaves instead.

I don't like parsley. Can I use another herb in this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe instead?

Yes, absolutely! Other herbs that work well in this cheesy garlic bread recipe include chives, green onions, rosemary, and thyme. If using fresh versions of the herbs, make sure to wash, de-stem, and mince the accordingly. However, similar to using dried parsley (see previous question) you can also use dried versions of these herbs, too! Follow my guidelines above to reducing the quantity used in the recipe if opting for the dried versions of the herbs.

Garlic Powder

This cheesy garlic bread recipe uses 2 teaspoons garlic powder.

Can I use fresh garlic instead in this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe?

Yes, with reservations. When testing this recipe, I made a version with fresh minced garlic and compared it to this version with garlic powder. I found that the garlic powder gave the cheesy garlic bread recipe a stronger and more intense flavor. That being said, if fresh garlic is all you have on hand, go for it! However, you'll need to use a fair amount of garlic to give the bread its garlicky flavor. I recommend using 4 large cloves (minced, of course).

Alternatively, if you want to "elevate" this cheesy garlic bread, use both fresh minced garlic AND garlic powder! Simply add 1 large, minced garlic clove to the melted Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt along with the minced parsley and other seasonings.

small batch cheesy garlic bread

How To Make Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

Here are the basic steps to make cheesy garlic bread from scratch:

First, prep your ingredients for the cheesy garlic bread:

  1. Prep your ingredients. (Prep Time: 5 minutes or more, if grating cheese)
    Thankfully, this small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe doesn't require too much prep. Simply melt Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt, then wash, de-stem, and mince your parsley leaves. Like I said above, save yourself prep time by buying pre-shredded cheese and dried or pre-minced parsley at the grocery store.

Next, make the cheesy garlic bread:

  1. Slice the loaf and stuff it with the cheese. (Work Time: <10 minutes)
    Slice the loaf into 1-inch cubes by making several slices down the loaf lengthwise, then crosswise. The slices will form a grid of cubes. Then, stuff this grid with the cheese. To be honest, stuffing the loaf with cheese is the most time-consuming part of the recipe! Be sure to check out my Baker's Tips below on how to make this process easier and more efficient.
  2. Make the garlic herb butter mixture and brush it over the loaf. (Work Time: <5 minutes)
    In a small bowl, whisk together the Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt. Use a pastry brush to brush the mixture over the stuffed bread, making sure that the butter with olive oil and sea salt seeps through the cracks!
  3. Prep the loaf for baking. (Work Time: <5 minutes)
    Tightly wrap the loaf in aluminum foil. It's likely that you'll need to use two sheets of aluminum foil—one for the bottom half of the bread, another for the top half—to cover it completely. Set the wrapped loaf, stuffed-side-up, on a sheet pan.

Finally, bake and serve the cheesy garlic bread:

  1. Bake the whole thing. (Bake Time: 40 minutes)
    Bake the loaf, covered in aluminum foil, at 375°F for 35 minutes. At 35 minutes, remove the sheet pan with the loaf from the oven and carefully unwrap its top. Be careful—the foil will be hot, and it's likely that there's a lot of hot steam that will release as you do so! Now bake the bread for an additional 5 minutes after unwrapping. Doing so ensures a crispy top filed with gooey, molten rivers of melted cheese.
  2. Serve immediately.
    This cheesy garlic bread is best about 5 minutes from the oven, when the cheese is still melted and gooey. But be careful not to burn your fingers! Everything will still be pretty hot. If you want to be on the safe side, wait 8 to 10 minutes before serving. Cool the bread on a wire rack while you wait.
small batch cheesy garlic bread

Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe FAQ and Troubleshooting

FAQ: Cheesy Garlic Bread Add-Ins

Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread Variations

In addition to the cheese and herbs I recommended, you can add different vegetables and meats to customize this cheesy garlic bread recipe. Good additions include diced olives, peppers, and sun-dried tomatoes. You can also add sauces like pesto and tomato sauce. For meat lovers, try diced cooked bacon and pepperoni. My rule of thumb is this: if the ingredient tastes great on a pizza, it'll probably be good on this cheesy garlic bread recipe, too.

How to Add Other Ingredients To This Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe

For "solid" ingredients like meat and vegetables, be sure to dice the ingredients first. I recommend aFor "solid" ingredients like meat and vegetables, be sure to dice the ingredients first. I recommend adding about ¼ cup of the diced ingredient and stuffing it into the bread at the same time you stuff in the cheese.

For "liquid" ingredients like pesto and tomato sauce, you only need about 1 Tablespoon or so to make a big impact. Place the sauce in a small liquid measuring cup with a spout. Drizzle it between the sliced edges of the bread. It's easiest to do this after you've stuffed the bread (since the cheese will help widen the gaps between the cubes, making it easier for you to drizzle in the sauce). Then, follow the recipe's instructions to brush the bread with the garlic herb mixture.

FAQ: Cheesy Garlic Bread Make Ahead Techniques

How To Make Ahead

First things first—do NOT bake the cheesy garlic bread way ahead of when you're planning on serving it. It's best about 5 to 10 minutes after pulling it out of the oven, when the cheese is still gooey and melted. To help you achieve this result, I recommend making the main components of this recipe ahead of time. Then, you can finish prepping the loaf right before you're ready to bake and serve it. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Stuff the bread up to 3 days before baking and serving. Follow the recipe instructions to stuff the bread with cheese. However, don't make the garlic butter mixture just yet! Instead, wrap the loaf tightly in aluminum foil and refrigerate for up to 3 days. When ready to bake, follow the recipe instructions to make the garlic butter mixture and brush it over the loaf. Bake as directed in the recipe. Don't worry about adjusting the Bake Time—refrigerating the loaf beforehand won't affect Bake Time.
  2. Alternatively, stuff the bread a few hours before you're planning to bake and serve the cheesy garlic bread. You can keep it at room temperature for up to 1 hour; after that, tightly wrap it in foil and refrigerate it. When ready to bake, follow the recipe instructions to make the garlic butter mixture and brush it over the loaf. Bake as directed in the recipe.

FAQ: Cheesy Garlic Bread Storage

How to Store Leftover Cheesy Garlic Bread

Slice any leftover cheesy garlic bread into 1-inch cubes, place in an airtight container, and refrigerate for up to 3 days. When ready to re-warm and serve, line a sheet pan with aluminum foil and place the bread cubes in the pan. Sprinkle with extra shredded cheese and broil until the cubes are crispy and the cheese is melted and gooey.

Does cheesy garlic bread need to be refrigerated?

Yes! You'll need to refrigerate cheesy garlic bread if making a few days ahead of serving, as well as any leftovers. See my instructions above for storing leftover cheesy garlic bread.

Can you freeze cheesy garlic bread?

Yes! You can freeze cheesy garlic bread in two ways:

  1. Freeze the unbaked, stuffed cheesy garlic bread. Follow the recipe instructions to stuff the bread with cheese. However, don't make the garlic butter mixture just yet! Instead, wrap the loaf tightly in two layers of aluminum foil. Freeze for up to 3 months. When ready to bake and serve, thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Then, follow the instructions for making the garlic butter mixture, brushing it over the bread, and baking.
  2. Freeze any baked cheesy garlic bread leftovers. Slice any leftover cheesy garlic bread into 1-inch cubes. Place the cubes in a ziptop bag and freeze for up to 3 months. When ready to bake and serve, line a sheet pan with aluminum foil and place the frozen bread cubes on top. Sprinkle with extra cheese. Broil or toast in a toaster oven until the bread is toasted and the cheese is melted and gooey, 3 to 4 minutes.

Best Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe Tips

Best Ingredient Tip

  • This small batch cheesy garlic bread recipe works best if you use bread that's a day old. Day old bread is easier to work with; its crumb is slightly harder and doesn't fall apart quite as easily when you stuff the bread.

Best Equipment Tip

  • Slice the bread using a sawing motion with a sharp, serrated knife. Regular serrated knives are long (typically between 10 and 12 inches) and can be cumbersome when working with a smaller loaf. If you have a smaller serrated knife (one between 7 and 8 inches), now's the time to use it!

Best Technique Tip

  • To make your life easier, enlist a family member or a roommate to hold open the bread slices as you stuff it with cheese! Although it can be done by just one person, it will be easier with someone to help you. You'll be able to pack in the cheese evenly and generously!

More Savory Bread Recipes

  • A Simple Boule
  • Emmy Squared Detroit Style Pizza
  • English Muffins
  • Everything Pretzel Parker House Rolls
  • Garlic and Herb Buttermilk Biscuits
  • Hawaiian Sweet Bread Recipes


For the Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

  • 1 small (around 10 ounces or 283 grams) artisan loaf of bread
  • ¼ cup (1 ounce or 28 grams) shredded cheddar cheese
  • ¼ cup (1 ounce or 28 grams) shredded low-moisture mozzarella cheese
  • 4 Tablespoons (2 ounces or 57 grams) Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt, melted and cooled slightly
  • ¼ cup (0.20 ounces or 5 grams) stemmed parsley leaves, minced
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • stemmed parsley leaves, for garnish

For the Small Batch Cheesy Garlic Bread

  • Prep your oven. Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 375°F.

  • Slice the bread. Use a serrated knife to slice the bread lengthwise, then crosswise to make 1-inch cubes. Slice only halfway through the loaf and leave the bottom of the loaf intact with the bread cubes still attached.

  • Stuff the bread. Working gently, fill the lengthwise slices with the cheese, then fill the crosswise slices. Place the loaf on a sheet of aluminum foil large enough to cover the bread completely.

  • Drench the bread. Whisk together the melted Land O Lakes® Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt. Use a pastry brush to brush the mixture over the bread, making sure that the butter with olive oil and sea salt seeps into the slices.

  • Bake the bread. Tightly wrap the loaf in aluminum foil and place on a sheet pan. Bake for 35 minutes. Unwrap the loaf and bake for an additional 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

  • Serve and store. Garnish with fresh parsley and serve immediately. Cool any leftover cheesy garlic bread completely, then slice into 1-inch cubes. Place the cubes in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. When ready to re-warm and serve, line a sheet pan with aluminum foil and place the bread cubes in the pan. Sprinkle with extra shredded cheese and broil until the cubes are crispy and the cheese is melted and gooey.

This post was last updated on 8/15/2020.


Over the past several years of runningHummingbird High, I kept a crucial aspect of my life hidden from my readers: I had a full-time, extremely demanding job in the tech world. In my debut cookbook,Weeknight Baking, I finally reveal the secrets to baking delicious desserts on a tight schedule.



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